
dried flowers.

dried flower arrangements are a wonderful addition to today´s home decor. Dried flowers, whether used in bouquets, pressed flower pictures, or potpourri, or on hats, wreaths, kissing balls, shadow boxes, hearth brooms, shaker boxes, window ornaments, door swags, or whatever, dried flowers inspire us to recreate a gentler time of beauty and elegance in our homes.

why dried flowers?

dried flowers are popular with the flower lovers because of the following reasons-

  • dried flowers provide distinctive indoor decoration.
  • dried flowers and dried flower arrangements are long lasting and require little care.
  • drying flowers and foliage expands gardening activities without elaborate equipment or previous experience.
  • dried flowers and the process of drying flowers are inexpensive.

the inspiration to grow and use dried flowers is as close as the garden center or greenhouse. many of the common annuals like zinnias and marigolds are readily dried which assumed significance in the world of dried flowers. Look for transplants of everlasting flowers. these flowers are the ones most often used in dried-flower crafting. these flowers almost dry themselves, they’re so easy.

some of the names of everlastings(dried flowers) to look for include Strawflower, Globe Amaranth, Cockscomb (both crested and plumed), Statice, Baby´s breath, Money plant, Chinese lantern, and Bells- of-Ireland. Plus, there are three unpronounceable dried flower with Latin names but no common name: Ammobium, Helipterum, and Xeranthemum. Take them home and give them names you can live with, like Harry or Florence. the various ornamental grasses, Love-in-a-mist seed pods, Blue sage (and it’s white-flowered variation), Larkspur and Yarrow also form good examples of dried flowers.

all of the above flowers and plants are air dried. besides flowers are dried through other processes like pressing or using drying agents like sand and borax or corn meal and borax or silica gel. the drying agent process can be speeded up by using a microwave oven.

all of the above flowers and plants are air dried. besides flowers are dried through such other processes like pressing or using drying agents like sand and borax or corn meal and borax or silica gel. the drying agent process can be speeded up with the microwave oven.

flowers with flat faces like pansies, petunias, violas, and daisies are good to press and use for decorating stationery, bookmarks, or place mats or for making pictures. Simply place 3 flowers between sheets of blotting paper and put in a flower press or weight down with bricks or books. check them after a week. Fern fronds are also good for pressing.

Potpourris are made by drying petals on screens or trays in a dehydrator, gas oven with a pilot light, or electric oven on the lowest setting. Rose petals make up the bulk of the mixture, with other flowers, herbs, spices, and citrus peels adding additional fragrance and color. to enhance the scent, add 10 drops or so of an essential oil and 3 tablespoons of ground orris root as a fixative to each quart of dried material.



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